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This is another very subjective label. One manufacturer may consider a quality product as one which lasts until the next version of their product is created (planned obsolescence). Another manufacturer will consider a quality product as one which lasts until their warranty expires.
As consumers, we may consider a quality product as one that serves a one-time use or one which lasts us until the next paycheck. Some of us may consider a quality product/technology as one which has been validated by others that we know – friends and family.
Some of us may consider a quality product/technology as one which doesn’t cause future health issues. For instance some products break down over time releasing carcinogens or other harmful chemicals. Some of us may consider a quality product as one which is produced by a brand name we have decided to trust based on past product performance, branding or simply the cool/fleek factor.
However we must continuously evaluate the performance and function of any product we purchase. After all it is the consumer’s responsibility to receive a return on their investment.
Artist Made Barbados
Hand-made/painted burlap clutches, purses, wearble art and more. Children's Murals. Signs.
Mill Complex (Chattel House next to the Mill Restaurant)
Quality Product Examples (Barbados)
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