What does it mean?
In order for us to consider what is "non-hazardous" in the Caribbean context, we need to consider that pollutants have much shorter distances to travel (shorter than U.S. states/South American/European countries) before these pollutant hazards influence our health or the quality of our environment.
The natural design of islands reflects how sensitive our ecosystems are to pollution. Our islands are - enclosed by water (duh I know but we act like we forget this); dependent on aquifers or dependent on surface water bodies (rivers, catchment areas) which are usually close to uban areas; densely populated areas or completely untouched land and strong trade winds.
Pollutants are not only swiftly dispersed in our environment but can persist in an invisible way which we (as in the entire world) are just beginning to understand (e.g. pesticides, particulate matter from buring our garbage and malfunctioning vehicles persistent organic pollutants, pharmaceuticals etc. etc.)
It may already be a hard pill to swallow that aside from the visible litter and pollution we see, that there are also invisible threats to our health. However, there are questions you can ask yourself to reduce how you create a more hazardous environment for both your neighbours and yourself.
Ask yourself......
If I use this product /service/technology does it make me cough, sneeze or feel sick?
If I use this product/service/technology, does it irritate my skin or eyes?
Do I have to use a mask in order to use this product (e.g. Gramaxone, Seven, Jays Fluid)?
Is this product safe to use or leave around children?
Could this product/service/technology contaminate my water supply?
Could this product/service/technology pollute the air or lead to asthma attacks?
If I emptied this product into a bucket of water, and my dog began to drink it - would I be worried that my dog could die?
If emptied this product into the ocean could it cause some kind of disruption to ocean organisms?
Coming Soon. Read more on non-hazardous definitions HERE.