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There was a time when the value of what we traded was tied tightly to gold. That approach has been carried over into our perception of value today. Products which cost us more money (immediately) are perceived as having a higher value. However, again value is subjective – one person’s trash is another persons’ treasure. Actually there are still more cases of the reverse – one person’s treasure is another person’s trash. Humans have shaped “throw-away” societies in which it is more convenient to trash what we once treasured. It is also more convenient and socially-acceptable to measure our personal value based on our ability to obtain “brand - new treasures” rather than converting another person’s trash to treasure.
It terms of value, some of us also look beyond the immediate cost of a product, technology or action. We consider how much our purchases today, will cost us in the future or better yet we look at how our purchases today will yield for us in the future. For instance, an investment in healthier food may cost us more money or time (if you grow your own) but in the future it could reduce the cost of your health. This health cost includes doctor’s visits, medicine, treatments, supplements and surgeries. Most importantly this health cost includes time. How much time do you want to spend enjoying your life versus spending your time in hospitals, doctor’s office or worrying about your health? Similarly an investment in water collection, renewable energy or growing food may cost a bit more time/money immediately but these investments can both generate future income, increase your personal resilience to natural disasters and improve the quality of our lives here on earth, not just yours….all of our lives.
Valuable Product Examples (Barbados)
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